
Showing posts from January, 2016

#announcements for @vcfyouth1 Unite is next week, 3 weeks left to turn in Dare2Share paperwork and money, and more!!

#announcements for @vcfyouth1 Unite is next week, 3 weeks left to turn in Dare2Share paperwork and money, and more!!

Tonight, talking about prophecy, Old Testament prophets, and what does that mean for us today? 7pm, fellowship hall, VCF Student Ministry!

Monday minute, cool faith thoughts, take a read at

#announcements @vcfyouth1, Unite in 2 weeks, $25 for Dare2Share due Feb 17th, and so much more!

#announcements @vcfyouth1, Unite in 2 weeks, $25 for Dare2Share due Feb 17th, and so much more!

Tonight, what is the church all about? It is our last night in the Alpha series (sad face)! 7pm, VCF Student Ministry!

Good encouragement for your Monday, take a read

@vcfyouth1 #announcements Unite @ VCF February 4th, Dare2Share March 4-5, release&waivers due Feb 17, and more!

@vcfyouth1 #announcements Unite @ VCF February 4th, Dare2Share March 4-5, release&waivers due Feb 17, and more!

Tonight, does God heal and what does that look like? 7pm, Vineyard Christian Fellowship Student Ministry!

We leave for Winterjam today at noon! Be there or no fun for you!

@vcfyouth1 #announcements Winterjam this saturday leaving at noon, Dare2Share March 4-5, and more!

@vcfyouth1 #announcements Winterjam this saturday leaving at noon, Dare2Share March 4-5, and more!

Tonight, talking about Evil and our response to it! VCF Student Ministry, 7pm, fellowship hall