
Showing posts from March, 2017

Tonight, all-age, all-church, bring-your-own-game & snack night, 7pm, VCF cafe!!

#announcements @vcfyouth1 Family/Church-wide Bring Your Own Game & Snack Night next Wednesday, 7-8:30pm!

Tonight, Scott Conover will be leading and asking can we trust God in the midst of pain? 7pm, VCF Student Ministry, cafe.

Tonight, everyone feels pain, but do you have a reason for it? What do you do when you don't? VCF Student Ministry, 7pm, cafe!!

#announcements @vcfyouth1, Church-wide family night BYO Board Game and Snack March 29th!!

#announcements @vcfyouth1, Church-wide family night BYO Board Game and Snack March 29th!!

Tonight, new series called hurt. How do you respond to pain? 7pm, VCF Student Ministry, in the cafe.

Tonight, what are you embarrassed about? How does that relate to faith? 7pm, VCF Student Ministry, cafe!