@vcfyouth1 #announcements we leave for Dare2Share Friday at 5pm from the church, more details can be found here!

@vcfyouth1 #announcements we leave for Dare2Share Friday at 5pm from the church, more details can be found here!

 Dare2Share is this week!  We will leave at 5pm on Friday and be back by 6:30pm on Saturday.  Below is the packing list and other pertinent details.
Garrett Oliver- Cell 567-674-1567 (call or text)
Where- Dayton Convention Center, 22 E 5th St, Dayton, OH 45402
Hotel- Drury Inn and Suites, Dayton North, 6616 Miller Ln, Dayton, OH 45414
What to bring- Bible, writing utensil, pajamas, clothes for Saturday, a winter jacket and other weather appropriate clothing for Saturday outside outreach, toiletries (toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, soap, shampoo, etc), pillow, money for merchandise/souvenirs if desired

·      Leave - 5:00PM
·      Check into the Hotel- 6:00
·      FRIDAY- Registration Check-in— begins at 5:30
·      6:00PM – Doors Open
·      7:00PM – Session 1 starts
·      8:15PM – Break
·      8:45PM – Session 1 continues
·      9:15PM – Drama starts
·      10:00PM – Session 1 ends
·      Back to Hotel —Room Assignments, Large group debrief, Lights out no later than 11:30pm
·      SATURDAY- 7:00AM – Wake up, pack up, breakfast
·      7:45AM – Leave Hotel
·      8:30AM – Session 2 starts       (Youth Leader Session — 8:30AM-10:30AM)
·      10:30AM – Break
·      11:00AM – Session 2 continues
·      12:30PM – Lunch and Outreach Experience (youth group is providing)
·      3:00PM – Doors open
·      3:30 – Session 3 starts
·      5:00PM – Conference ends

·      Arrive Home — Around 6:30pm
