#announcements @vcfyouth1 Winterjam on the 21st (but not as a youth group), Guys/Girls Night 25th!

#announcements @vcfyouth1 Winterjam on the 21st (but not as a youth group), Guys/Girls Night 25th!

1. Winterjam is coming to Columbus’ Schottenstein Center January 21st.  We will not be going all together as a youth group, sorry that it didn’t come together this year.  But if you couldn’t get enough of Crowder at Rock the Lake, go as a family or connect with a friend and go.  Doors open at 5, show starts at 6, cost is $10.  Always a good time!
2. Remember when we did guys/girls night almost a year ago?  Have you been craving some youth group bro time?  Or in need of some totes girl chat?  Well, we’re doing it again, but with a twist!  Last Wednesday of the month, 25th, during normal youth group time (7-8:30).  Want to know what the twist is?  Too bad, you’ll have to come and find out!!
3. It’s a new year, but you can still get the same cool info from and connect with VCF Student Ministry through our facebook page, Instagram and twitter at vcfyouth1, or our blogspot page.  See pics of relating to our theme, announcements, and other encouragements. And don’t be shy about posting to or taggin VCF Student Ministry too!
