January 2019
Welcome to the Vineyard Youth Blogspot!
It is hard to believe that it is already January! With that said, here is what we have dove into this past month!
January 2nd We started of 2019 with a night of Prayer! We wanted to start 2019 off the right way and what better way to start it than at the feet of Jesus? We dedicated our normal teaching time to individual and group prayer. Needless to say, God showed up!
January 9th, 16th & 23rd Every year we set out to redefine ourselves, as the old adage goes: "A New Year, A New Me!" So, we decided to unpack what it means to be a "Brand New You" and how God has made us new and continually makes us new!
January 20th Vineyard Youth was to set out to Columbus where we would partake in WinterJam (we even had our very own club seats) and could partake in a night of worship BUT inclement, Ohio weather forced WinterJam to cancel their event. Better safe (and warm) than sorry!

January 30th We will be having our annual Worship Night. The entire nights service will be dedicated to worshiping Jesus. This event is purely STUDENT lead. Come join us for worship, testimonies and free food! This is going to be EPIC!
What a busy, but exciting month this has been! Know that I (Tyler) am diligently praying for you! If you have any questions, feel free to reach out (937-407-1261, tevans@vineyardcf.org) See YOU soon!
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