Tyler's Thoughts November 15th

This chilly morning I was working from home in my living room (#blessed). As I was typing away on my keyboard my three year old son was playing in the other room. I hear him say "Uh-Oh!"
I hesitate to look up from my Mac in fear of what I may see. He brings in a toy that he broke. He is completely distraught. He comes to me with tears in his eyes and says "Daddy....I broke it..... I'm sorry!" He then laid it at my feet as tears fell down his cheek.

I quickly gave him a big hug, told him it was ok as it was an accident. He looked away for a moment. I scooped the toy off the ground then snapped it back together and handed it to him and said "Here you go buddy, daddy fixed it."

He was beaming as he thanked me and returned to happily playing with his toys.

Here is my thought this afternoon.

My son had it right. The moment something broke, he ran to daddy. He laid it at my feet and apologized for his mistake. He didn't know how to fix it nor did he know how I could fix it. He simply brought his problem to me and apologized.

I need to be more like my son. The moment I make a mistake of something, the moment I start to fall apart, I need to go before my Heavenly Father and drop it off his feet. No excuses. Just a heart felt apology and a humble spirit.

God will take what you bring Him and will work it for your good (Romans 8:28) and just like my son, you may not know how your Father may fix it, but in time, it will all make sense. Time-and-time again we see that God specialized in fixing broken things.

The oppressed were freed.
The blind were given sight.
The deaf could hear.
The lame could walk.
The dead would rise again.

When there was no hope, when there was no escape, we see this phrase in the Bible..."But God" as He radically swoops in and saves the day.

Friends, whatever may be broken in your life, bring it to your Father and lay it at His feet. Give God a chance to showcase His grandeur! In due time you too will be saying "But God" and will stand in awe as to how God worked all things for your good.


Tyler Evans
