Tyler's Thoughts January 15th
One time I was riding with my grandpa in his camper on a way to some campground hours away from home. To say I was excited was a major understatement. I remember sitting in the front-passenger seat, which is a huge deal for a 12 year old, taking in everything he said. They often say grey hair just means you are wise. This must've been true because my grandpa had grey hair and was just full of wisdom.
We were just outside some small town when my Grandpa looks at me with an ornery grin and says "Tyler, do you wanna get lost?" My 12 year old brain went into panic mode. I was picturing us, stuck out in the middle of some desert with no food, no water and no video games. I quickly told him "No!" He giggled and said it would be fun and told me of how he loved to explore new places and see new things. I told him it would be best to stick to the route and just get to the campgrounds. I couldn't believe my wise grandpa would even recommend getting lost...on purpose.
To this day, I prefer to stay on the direct path. I may deviate a little if I'm feeling a little adventurous, but I typically cling to the familiar. As I sit back and reminisce of this precious memory with my grandpa, I can't help but think that this is often how many people may live out their faith.
We come to the same church we have always gone to. We park in the same parking spot. We sit in the same pew. We sing the same songs. We talk to the same people. Then we go home. We stick to the familiar to avoid the fears of the unknown.
The moment we find ourselves lost or in the unfamiliar, we panic. There will be moments in life where there isn't a clear path to take. There will be moments where you feel lost even when you clung to the main path the best you could. That is life. We will drive up on detours, unknown intersections and accidents. Jesus warns us to have a firm foundation in Christ for when storms come, not if storms come. (Matthew 7:25)
You see, when it looks as if we are lost, when we don't know where to go, when life blind-sides us we can always remember we were once lost, but now we are found. (Luke 15:6). We don't have to live in fear because God is on the throne despite how bad things around us may appear. We are, at all times, in the palm of God's Hand. We don't place our hope in anything else but in the one who conquered it all. Lastly when we don't know where to go, we know that Jesus is the only way. When you don't know where to go, when you don't know what to do, when you don't know what to say.... Jesus. (John 14:6) Fall on your knees and cry out to the King. He will make your paths straight (Proverbs 3:6). It may take some time, it may look different than you think, but trust the process. Trust in the King and in time you will see (whether on this side of eternity or on the other) that all things work together for good for those who love God and are called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28)
Be blessed friends and remember, in Christ you aren't lost, you are found. Jesus is the only way and at the end of it all, all things will work for good.
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