
Showing posts from 2016

No Youth Group tonight. Hope you enjoyed Christmas and have a happy New Year!! Thanks everyone who came out for Ice Skating!

Again, Ice Skating in 1 hour!

Ice Skating today, meet at the church at noon, be back around 4!!

@vcfyouth1 #announcements Thanks for a fun white elephant, Ice skating next Wednesday (noon-4), meet@church!

@vcfyouth1 #announcements Thanks for a fun white elephant, Ice skating next Wednesday (noon-4), meet@church!

Tonight, WHITE ELEPHANT PARTY!! 7-8:30, Oliver House (641 E Columbus Ave, white house blue shutters) Shuttle from and back to church available. Students, wrap something, bring it, and enjoy!

#announcements @vcfyouth1 White Elephant next Wednesday, Ice Skating the Wednesday after that!

#announcements @vcfyouth1 White Elephant next Wednesday, Ice Skating the Wednesday after that!

Ever been blamed for ruining Christmas? See you tonight for week 2 of #REELChristmas, 7pm, SANCTUARY, VCF student ministry

#announcements @vcfyouth1 thanks Sam, Chloe & Zane for serving, White Elephant Dec 21st, No youth instead Ice Skating on 28th

#announcements @vcfyouth1 thanks Sam, Chloe & Zane for serving, White Elephant Dec 21st, No youth instead Ice Skating on 28th

Trust me, you do NOT want to miss the start of our christmas series, #reelchristmas, tonight, 7pm, VCF Student Ministry, fellowship hall.

#announcements @vcfyouth1 Hot Cocoa handout Friday, White Elephant December 21st & more!

#announcements @vcfyouth1 Hot Cocoa handout Friday, White Elephant December 21st & more!

Tonight, 5th Wednesday Surprise Night! 7-8:30pm, VCF Student Ministry

Again, no youth group tonight due to Thanksgiving. Enjoy family and food! See you next week (11/30) for 5th Wednesday Surprise Night!

No youth group tonight, Wednesday, enjoy Thanksgiving!!

#announcements @vcfyouth1 No youth group next wednesday, 5th wednesday surprise after that!

#announcements @vcfyouth1 No youth group next wednesday, 5th wednesday surprise after that!

Tonight, last night of #scope. Who do you compare yourself to? 7pm, VCF Student Ministry, fellowship hall.

#announcements @vcfyouth1 No youth group November 23rd, Surprise 5th Wednesday, check it out!

#announcements @vcfyouth1 No youth group November 23rd, Surprise 5th Wednesday, check it out!

Tonight, who’s opinion of you matters most? #ScopeSeries. VCF Student Ministry, 7pm, Fellowship Hall.

#announcements @vcfyouth1 Unite was awesome, no youth November 23rd, Surprise 5th Wednesday November 30th!

#announcements @vcfyouth1 Unite was awesome, no youth November 23rd, Surprise 5th Wednesday November 30th!

#announcements @vcfyouth1 THANKS SO MUCH FOR HELPING AT HALLELUJAH PARTY!!! Unite next wednesday (meet @ Calvary, 7-8:30pm)!!

#announcements @vcfyouth1 THANKS SO MUCH FOR HELPING AT HALLELUJAH PARTY!!! Unite next wednesday (meet @ Calvary, 7-8:30pm)!!

6pm, early start tonight, as students will be serving and running games for the Hallelujah Party! Again, 6pm, dinner included, VCF fellowship hall!

#announcements @vcfyouth1 Free movie this Saturday, Hallelujah party next Wednesday (6pm), no Union Station Trail Ride, Unite Nov. 2nd

#announcements @vcfyouth1 Free movie this Saturday, Hallelujah party next Wednesday (6pm), no Union Station Trail Ride, Unite Nov. 2nd

Tonight, what do you focus on, what's around you or what's in from of you? #Scope series, 7pm, VCF Student Ministry, fellowship hall!

#announcements @vcfyouth1 Free movie, Union Station Trail ride (sign up by Friday), Hallelujah Party and Unite!

#announcements @vcfyouth1 Free movie, Union Station Trail ride (sign up by Friday), Hallelujah Party and Unite!

#announcements @vcfyouth1 Manafest concert this saturday, Hallelujah Party, fundraiser trail ride, and unite!

Tonight, early start at 6pm until 8:30, VCF's Got Talent!! Ice cream afterwards!

#announcements @vcfyouth1 all-church hayride/hotdog roast sunday, see you at the pole and vineyards got talent wednesday!

#announcements @vcfyouth1 all-church hayride/hotdog roast sunday, see you at the pole and vineyards got talent wednesday!

Tonight, do you have a before, an after, and a factor? Do you know why all 3 are important? 7pm, VCF Student Ministry, fellowship hall.

Week 2 of Evangephobia, what motivates you? 7pm, VCF Student Ministry, Fellowship Hall.

@vcfyouth1 #announcements VCF's Got Talent and See You At The Pole Sept 28th!! Check it out.

@vcfyouth1 #announcements VCF's Got Talent and See You At The Pole Sept 28th!! Check it out.

Tonight, we start @dare2shareministries #evangephobia. How can we conquer the fear of sharing our faith? 7pm, fellowship hall, VCF Student Ministries.

#announcements @vcfyouth1 See You At The Pole Sept 28th, VCF's Got Talent that evening, check it out!

#announcements @vcfyouth1 See You At The Pole Sept 28th, VCF's Got Talent that evening, check it out!

Last Go Forth summer mission experience is tonight, starts at 6pm with meal. Bring permission slip if you already have not!

#announcements @vcfyouth1 Thanks for concert last night, Go Forth next Wednesday, SeeYouAtThePole & Talent Show coming up!

Tonight, doors open at 6:30, concert starts at 7 for the free Unite Back 2 School with About A Mile, Prophocey, and False Ending. Meet at Bellefontaine High School Auditorium, fun, music, prizes, and so much more!!

#announcements @vcfyouth1 Unite concert next Wednesday (meet @Bellefontaine High School, 7pm) and Go Forth in 2 Wednesdays!!

#announcements @vcfyouth1 Unite concert next Wednesday (meet @Bellefontaine High School, 7pm) and Go Forth in 2 Wednesdays!!

Today, what are you true to? Let's talk about it tonight, 7pm, VCF Student Ministries!

#announcements @vcfyouth1 family movie night on friday, Unite student concert in 2 weeks, go forth end of month, and more!!

#announcements @vcfyouth1 family movie night on friday, Unite student concert in 2 weeks, go forth end of month, and more!!

Tonight, revisiting Galatians 5 and talking about our social interactions before school starts back! 7pm, VCF Student Ministry.

#announcements @vcfyouth1 last chance to help with Rock The Lake, family movie night, student fun night, go forth, and more!!

#announcements @vcfyouth1 last chance to help with Rock The Lake, family movie night, student fun night, go forth, and more!!

Tonight, last chapter in Galatians, 7pm, fellowship hall.

#announcements @vcfyouth1 Rock the Lake service opportunity next weekend, Movie Night, mystery fun night, last Go Forth, and more!

#announcements @vcfyouth1 Rock the Lake service opportunity next weekend, Movie Night, mystery fun night, last Go Forth, and more!

Tonight, 2nd installment of "Go Forth" on the 4th Wednesday of July. Starts at 6pm, come enjoy dinner together and then go outward to serve our community!

No church Movie Night tonight due to weather! Sorry everyone!

#announcements @vcfyouth1 Movie Night this Friday at 9pm, Go Forth Next Wednesday at 6pm, and more!!

#announcements @vcfyouth1 Movie Night this Friday at 9pm, Go Forth Next Wednesday at 6pm, and more!!

Tonight, 7pm, are you free? Galatians 5, VCF Student Ministry, Fellowship Hall!

@vcfyouth1 #announcements father/son this friday, family movie night, and go forth wednesday!!

@vcfyouth1 #announcements father/son this friday, family movie night, and go forth wednesday!!

Tonight, 7pm, 5th Logan Co Youth Group Fair Scavenger Hunt, meet at Lake Ave/Bowling Alley Gate, $5 to get into fair, prizes for the winning team!

vcfyouth1 #announcements Logan Co Fair next Wednesday, Father/Son Night, Family Movie, Go Forth, and more!

#announcements Logan Co Fair next Wednesday, Father/Son Night, Family Movie, Go Forth, and more! @vcfyouth1

Tonight, normal youth group, 7-8:30pm, VCF fellowship hall. Moving into Galatians 4, either/or, slave or child, which are you!?

#announcements @vcfyouth1 Logan County Fair Wednesday, Father/Son, Movie Night, Go Forth & more!!

#announcements @vcfyouth1 Logan County Fair Wednesday, Father/Son, Movie Night, Go Forth & more!!

Jr High/Sr High are seperate tonight, 7-8:30pm, entering 7th-leaving 8th at the church with Justie, all others at the Oliver house, 641 E Columbus Ave. Smores, games, etc!!